This Is What Would Happen To The Earth If Humans Went Extinct

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It’s hard to imagine a world without humans. Humans control everything, from water systems to natural landscapes. So, what would happen if humans suddenly disappeared? Let’s take a look at what would happen to our planet.

The Silence

If humans suddenly disappeared from the face of the Earth, the world would be almost entirely silent. We don’t realize how much noise people truly make. Our buildings, cars, and sky are all noisy. Suddenly, all those noises would stop, and the world would be silent.

The weather would also change. After a year without humans, the sky would be bluer, and the air would be clearer. Wind and rain would clean the surface of the Earth as the smog and dust caused by humans would disappear.

Our Home Would Be Different

After one year without human life, the inside of our house would be completely different. Water systems require constant pumping, and without humans, there would be no water in your pipes.

There wouldn’t be any electricity either. Power plants would stop working because no one would be around to monitor them and maintain a supply of fuel. Your house would be dark, quiet, and dusty.

Your yard would be overgrown and full of new weeds that would spread all over the place. Plants you have never seen would take root in your garden, and a small sapling would grow each time a tree drops a seed. There would also be a lot more bugs flying and crawling around.

The Streets Would Change

At first, small critters like mice, groundhogs, raccoons, skunks, and foxes would wander around the streets. Later, bigger animals like deer, coyotes, and even bears would appear. With no electricity or streetlights, the rhythm of the natural world would return. The only light sources would come from the Sun, the Moon, and the stars.

There would also be frequent fires from lightning striking trees or fields. Without any humans to put those fires out, they would keep going until they burned themselves out.

The City

After one year without humans, concrete things like roads, highways, bridges, and buildings would still look the same. But after a decade, these structures would be full of cracks and plants growing through them. Eventually, roads would crack so much that they would look like massive slabs of broken glass. Eventually, trees and plants would grow among the massive cracks. Metal bolts and beams on buildings and bridges would start to rust, but concrete would last for centuries.

Our Animals

Farm animals would become easy prey for bears, coyotes, wolves, and panthers. Our pets would go feral and become wild, soon becoming prey to larger animals. Most dogs wouldn’t survive, either.

References: – An ‘Internet apocalypse’ could ride to Earth with the next solar storm, new research warns
Science ABC – What Would Life Be Like If Every Human Suddenly Disappeared?

National Geographic – Noise Pollution
LiveScience – What would happen to Earth if humans went extinct?