Dangerous Situation
She looked seriously uncomfortable. A few of the other diners heard what he’d been saying, and it was getting more concerning.
When it looked like the girl was in serious danger, one diner decided it was time to intervene. A cop stood over the table – and he wasn’t about to play this one by the book.
College Work

Laura had just joined the Student Government at college and was excited about meeting a group of students that shared her passion and motivation. The students were charged with managing a wide range of events, activities, programs, policies, and initiatives around the school.
She thought it would be great to make some new friends.
A Leap Of Faith

As fate would have it, Laura made a new friend on the very first day and was quick to agree to swap numbers since they were working in the same department.
What she didn’t know was that he was not what he said he was, and it would be a lot later before she saw his true side. Soon, she would look back and regret every decision leading to the trap he laid.
New Friends

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She had finished up class for the day and was headed home when a text message came through, “Really enjoyed meeting you today. Care to join me for a bite to eat later?”
For a new girl at college, Laura was quite pleased with the idea of not having to eat alone and dinner with a new friend sounded like a great idea. He seemed so nice.
A Casual Meal

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“I’d like that a lot!” She texted back. He recommended a casual place that was definitely further than walking distance away and offered her a lift, saying he knew it was out of the way. Strangely, no alarm bells were going off, he just seemed like a really nice guy. Laura sent him her location and they set a time.
She threw on some fresh clothes and spent some time touching up her make-up since there was some time to kill before heading out. A new town to explore, new people to meet, good food and a new friend. It seemed the new school was turning out to be pretty great… or so she thought.

Laura was all dressed up for her night out. According to witnesses, she seemed nervous, but they assumed it was probably just the couple’s first date.
But it soon became apparent these weren’t simply a few jitters from spending time with someone new. Beads of sweat appeared on the woman’s forehead as the situation unfolded into something more sinister.
Inappropriate Comments

By the time they had found a table at the restaurant, the alarm bells were ringing in full force. It was like something out of Jekyll and Hyde. Who was this guy? Because he certainly wasn’t the ‘nice guy’ who had asked her to dinner which, to make matters worse, he clearly thought of as a date.
Laura became more uncomfortable the more he spoke. He was dropping inappropriate comments that she was pretty sure most of the tables around her could clearly hear.
True Colors

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The appetizers finally came to the table and she grabbed onto hers like a lifeline. By now, it was just a matter of sitting through the nightmare and moving it along as quickly as she could.
Her plan backfired when he commented on how quickly she ate her food and she blushed a deep red. He was so loud, she just wanted to be swallowed into the ground. She couldn’t believe what she had just heard him say.
Getting Away With It

“Well, at least I know you can swallow, right?” said Laura’s creepy date, loud enough for other restaurant-goers to hear. A few looked at each other from across the room as if to confirm that they’d heard right. Nobody spoke up.
But rather than back off after the restaurant’s reaction, the man doubled down.
Situation Escalates

“Oh, calm down. I was going to find out in a few hours anyway.” The man spoke with the confidence of an untouchable mafia boss who owned the restaurant and everyone in it.
The frightened girl made a hushed reply that no one could hear, but it clearly wasn’t enough to get him to change his behavior as he continued with a threat that would have most onlookers calling the cops.
Sinister Threat

“Sweetheart… I picked you up. I know where you live.” The color drained from Laura’s face. It was clear she was dealing with more than just a bad Tinder match. She fumbled together an excuse and went to the bathroom to compose herself, but returned to the table, not wanting to leave the safety of the restaurant.
Luckily, a young man in the restaurant had had enough and stood up.
Backing Down

The scraping of a chair next to their table snapped her back to reality, looking up they both are a bit lost for words. While it looked like the man was going to rescue the woman from the nightmare situation, the twenty-something guy must have had second thoughts and sat back down.
No one else dared to intervene. Laura was in seriously hot water. There was nobody she could call and she didn’t have a car to leave the restaurant.
Another Victim?

Laura’s eyes darted around the room desperately as the man plowed forkfuls of food into his mouth. Was he just an exceptionally vile pig she’d met online – or did the “I know where you live” comment mean she was destined to end up in tomorrow’s newspaper headlines?
She was about to find out.
Finally Safe?

The shadow of a tall man fell across the table. Now in shock, Laura was reluctant to look up to see what the next chapter in this horror story had in store.
Eventually, she was relieved to see a police officer standing there. But she’d been out with smooth talkers like this before and knew he’d be able to diffuse the situation. She’d soon find herself trapped and desperate.
Heroic Entrance

The cop – who stopped the young man from approaching earlier – placed his badge on the table. He was going to handle this piece of work his way. “So, I’m quietly celebrating my daughter’s birthday with my family,” The cop begins, addressing her ‘date.’ “When I distinctly hear you threaten this young lady. Would you care to explain yourself?” The cop asks without expecting much of an answer, so he continues promptly.
“Now see, we take a very dim view of that kind of thing, so right now I’m deciding if I want to have some of my buddies come pick you up.” Laura fought to keep her mouth closed at the unreal events taking place in front of her. She didn’t know whether to laugh out loud or cry from relief.
Justice Served

“But that would disrupt everyone’s dinner, so how about you hand me your ID because I wouldn’t want you running off on me. Then you go see one of the staff here and settle your bill… the full bill now. This young lady shouldn’t go hungry on account of your poor behavior. Or I can have some of my buddies pick you up.” Disgusted by how he had treated the woman, the man’s response was exactly what the cop wanted to hear.
“Yes, yes. Of course. I’m so sorry,” stuttered the creep. Having made a note of the man’s personal information, the cop made it clear he was never to see the woman again. After he left, the officer made a point of calming the woman down. But this was far from the end of the frightening evening for the woman.

As the officer took down the information on the card he, incredibly, apologized to Laura for interrupting, “Sorry about that miss, I hope I’m not intruding, it just seemed like you could use some help. Oh and don’t worry, if you want to pursue this further I’ll have some of the boys pick him up on his way home, we can definitely take this further.”
Maybe she just wanted this all to be over and done with, or perhaps it was just that she was so certain she was safe from this creep after the ‘talking to’ he got that she didn’t feel that it was necessary.

Then the officer offered her something she never expected “Well, I’m here with my daughter, she’s about your age, perhaps you’d like to finish your meal with us? We can run you home afterward if you’d like unless you’d prefer to call someone else?”
How could she do anything other than accept?
Get Lost

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Mr. Nice Guy returned from paying the bill and, suddenly possessing a lot more manners, and asked for his ID back. “There you go… now I have your details right here so I highly recommend you don’t go near or contact this young lady ever again.”
It was the best thing that Laura had heard all night, explicit instruction to ‘get lost’ was the cherry on top of this turnaround.
Stammering Apologies

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“Yes, yes, of course, I’m so sorry!” He stuttered and then turned to flee from the restaurant without so much as a goodbye, which was a huge relief. The restaurant felt bigger, as though she could breathe again. Laura picked up her plate and joined the police officer and his family, thanking him again.
They spent the evening celebrating until almost all of the other customers were leaving, relaxed and laughing, Laura’s evening had gone from a dangerous, ugly night to one where the creepy guy learned an important lesson. Laura did enjoy her evening in the end and was happy when she was dropped off at her front door. But she still looked around to make sure everything was safe.